First Nations housing community of practice

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Guiding principles

The seven grandfathers teaching

Funding opportunities

Documents available on the different financing options offered.

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The virtual library for all the training in housing.

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About us

CopH : First Nations housing community of practice


The diversity of knowledge as a common good and source of collective learning

The First Nations’ Community of Practice on Housing (CoPH) is primarily a human network whose mission is to enable its members to work together to improve the well-being of their communities through collective capacity building, mutual assistance and the sharing of good practices.

This virtual platform is the tool that CoPH has set itself to do on an ongoing basis. Mutual support, as well as the sharing of experiences, knowledge and questions, lies at the heart of the collective and evolving learning that is created through the CoPH.

Each member’s mission is to support, inform, train, educate, share and learn in a spirit of collaboration. By fostering genuine and non-political exchanges based on common interest, we are able to see that questions and discussions about housing practices and issues in First Nations communities become an immense source of collective intelligence available to all who are involved. It is an important source of recognition as well.

The mission of the CoPH belongs to you, you who are the key-players in housing! Because it is you COMMUNITY, it is your PRACTICE that forms the heart of the mission of the CoPH.